PHQ9 Assessment

Please provide as much details as possible

During the last 2 weeks have they been bothered by any of the following...

Ask- What's been happening and how are they feeling?

Ask- How severe their feelings are and where do they think they come from?

Ask- How is this effecting their Life, Thoughts, Behaviours?

Ask- What kinds of things have they enjoyed or still enjoy doing?

Ask- What sort of things can hold their copncentration and keep them in the moment?

Ask- Can they tell you about their eating habits at this time?

Ask- How do they sleep and rest?

Ask- How their sleep and rest behaviours effect them?

Ask- How they feel that all of this is effecting them now and going forward?

Total the numbers selected in the (#) boxes. The possible range is 0-27.

Use the following rule to interpret the score.and guide the Life Students support schedule. (0-4) = Four weeks phone support monitoring. (5-14) = Make judgment based on the duration of symptoms and functional impairment - if face to face support assessment is seen as required then book for within 48-72 hours. (15-27) = May require crisis response and call to emergency services. If suicide attempt is not deemed imminent then a face to face support assessment is required for within 24-48 hours. GP visit may also be reccomended for antidepressants and additional talking therapy referral..